Mail Klerk - bulk

You can try our Mail Klerk e‑mailing for free without any commitment. E-mailing from 12 € per month

Robust solutions

Unlimited recipients, unlimited domains per account and up to 200,000 emails per hour.

Simple administration

Simple editor for creating emails in Czech. Don't spend any more money on agencies – you can do all the e‑mailing yourself.

High deliverability

Our delivery rate is 98.64%.

Cheap solution

We don't charge you anything up to 300 emails per month. 

From 12 € per month without VAT.

Pricing of e‑mailing – Mail Klerk

DescriptionPrice in € per month
From 1 to 300 emails0 €
From 301 to 100,000 emails17,99 €
For every additional 100,000 emails started11,99 €
Separate server for notification (status) email4,99 €
Custom IP address (min 3 pcs)13,99 €
Addressing and other variables in email1,99 €
Sending the tax document by Czech Post2 €
Telephone supportFree
Statistics of received emailsFree
Mail Klerk – DNS editing, SPF, DKIM, DMARC settings 20 € / domain (One-time)

Prices are without VAT.

Basic parameters


  • easy DKIM management
  • automatic DKIM creation for domains at
  • possibility to register DKIM for more of your domains
  • a single SPF record for all our servers

How to work with SMTP Klerk

  • possibility to connect to CMS like WordPress, Joomla, etc.
  • possibility to use the web interface
  • possibility to purchase SendMails software on and connect to our SMTP server Klerk
  • possibility to send via SMTP server using your own software

Sending emails

  • possibility to send a test email
  • possibility to schedule a mailing for a future date
  • automatic slowdown of your campaign distribution due to SPAM rules of and
  • attachment size up to 2 MB
  • clear management of individual campaigns
  • notification/status emails (orders, registrations, etc.) are separated from bulk emails so that they are not held up in the queue (additional service)
  • possibility to add your own IP address range
  • possibility to connect to newsletter and bulk email software

Web interface

  • easy distribution via the web without the need to use a client for SMTP protocol
  • open rate and logout statistics
  • view statistics (sent, received, undelivered emails)
  • Czech editor for creating email
  • the ability to submit an authorized support request
  • Czech and English versions
  • possibility to use the link for automatic logout

Contact management

  • unlimited number of contacts (you only pay for the number of emails sent)
  • simple import of contacts via CSV file (Excel) or by inserting from clipboard via CTRL+C and CTRL+V
  • possibility to divide contacts into clear groups
  • export of incorrect contacts for easy database maintenance
  • contact duplication monitoring (the same contact is only updated)
  • a logged out contact cannot be re-imported


  • working with campaigns, contacts, DKIM
  • access to basic service functions using JSON REST API
  • the possibility of linking the service to a form on your website, for example