Once the service is set up, you can easily set up an email account in the Webglobe client administration. Just go to Emails – select the desired domain – and in the left menu, there is an option for Email inboxes. On this page, you will be able to create a new mailbox by clicking the Create new mailbox button.
Do you want to create a new email address for your domain? First you need to log in to the administration to manage your domain at https://admin.webglobe.cz
After logging in, please go to the E‑MAIL section and click on the desired domain name. In the left menu (still in the E‑MAIL section), there is an option: Email boxes. On this page you will be able to create a new email box by clicking
Email address – the name you want in front of the @ sign, e. g. info to create a mailbox info@vasedomena.cz
Password – any password you want to have to access your mailbox.
The password must include:
Quota – here you can set the mailbox capacity in MB, for unlimited capacity you don't need to enter anything.
You can then log in to the mailbox at https://webmail.webglobe.cz/
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