How do I set up an email account?

Once the service is set up, you can easily set up an email account in the Webglobe client administration. Just go to Emails – select the desired domain – and in the left menu, there is an option for Email inboxes. On this page, you will be able to create a new mailbox by clicking the Create new mailbox button.

Do you want to create a new email address for your domain? First you need to log in to the administration to manage your domain at

After logging in, please go to the E‑MAIL section and click on the desired domain name. In the left menu (still in the E‑MAIL section), there is an option: Email boxes. On this page you will be able to create a new email box by clicking

Email address – the name you want in front of the @ sign, e. g. info to create a mailbox

Password – any password you want to have to access your mailbox.

The password must include:

  • a minimum 8 characters
  • lower case
  • capital letter
  • number

Quota – here you can set the mailbox capacity in MB, for unlimited capacity you don't need to enter anything.

You can then log in to the mailbox at

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