Methods of payment

How can you pay for Webglobe services and how do they differ?

Payment by card  

Fastest payment. We will start the service registration process immediately.


Online payment

Payment via internet banking. We will start the service registration process immediately. Supports: Raiffeisenbank, mBank, Česká spořitelna, Poštovní spořitelna, Fio banka, ČSOB and Komerční banka.

Google Pay 

Quick payment via Google Pay. We will start the service registration process immediately.

Payment via bank transfer

Payment via bank transfer to Webglobe account. The service registration process is initiated only after the payment is received in the Webglobe account (usually within 1–2 business days after the payment is sent). The domain is not reserved in any way until the payment is received.


Payment via PayPal. We will start the service registration process immediately

Apple Pay 

Pay with Apple Pay. We will start the service registration process immediately.


Cryptocurrency payment BTC or LTC – immediate payment through the CDPay payment gateway

Anything else you want to know?

Contact us. We will contact you within 24 hours.

In the Czech Republic
+420 603 111 111

Monday - Friday: 7:00 - 22:00
Weekends: 8:00 - 18:00

In Slovakia
+421 2 581 010 62

Monday - Friday: 7:00 - 22:00
Weekends: 8:00 - 18:00

By email

We will reply within 24 hours