
This file is used to set up the virtual server.

The Web.config file can be created using a text editor such as Notepad. Create a text file named Web.config in the root directory of your ASP. NET application.

The Web.config file must contain only configuration entries that override the settings in the Machine.config file. The Web.config file must contain at least: < configuration > element and < system.web > element. These elements will contain individual configuration elements.

The following example shows the Web.config file, minimum:






The first line of the Web.config file describes the document as XML format and specifies the character encoding type. This first line must be the same for all.config files.

The lines that follow mark the beginning and end of the < configuration > and < system.web > elements in the Web.config file. These lines alone do not perform any action. However, the rows provide a structure that allows you to add additional settings. Add most ASP. NET configuration settings between the < system.web > and < /system.web > lines. These lines mark the beginning and end of the ASP. NET configuration settings.

● How to set up redirection of domain.tld to www.domena.tld?





<rule name="Redirect to WWW">

<match />


<add />









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